Antenna DTV
"got signal!!!"
Welcome to the developers section of Antenna, a free and open-source dvb-t tuner for linux desktops. Antenna is a full featured tool to see what's going on in the sky.
Here are some features which are currently being worked on, but are not still available in the main release:
Let user deeply manage their favorite channels
Implement multiple channel lists
Have a single window interface
Collect EPG Data directly from the sky (i.e. through tv_grab_dvb) (feature already available in the beta version!!!)
Show EPG Data in a nice and useful way (feature already available in the beta version!!!)
Support remotes, or virtual remote clients (i.e. run on android platform)
Checkout the latetest version
from antenna dtv's bazaar repository. And give it a try. Found a bug?
Help wanted!
Think you'll might help? Wanna propose something? Developed a cool new feature? Let's get in touch.
Feel free to drop me (Antonio) a line!